
Each aspiring citizen in Bangladesh has a long-term financial goal that he or she aims to achieve through some form of Banking facility.

We at Shanta Life, are ready to provide Life-long protection to any savings and borrowing schemes of banking customers by way of easy-to-understand, affordable Life insurance facilities by partnering with major banks and NBFIs.

In addition, we can introduce customized insurance benefits to fit the financial needs and risk exposure of customers belonging to any specific banking segment.

Banking facilities that can be protected under Life insurance

  • Credit Card
  • Personal Loan/Home Loan/SME Loan
  • Savings Account
  • Monthly Deposit Scheme (DPS)

Available Insurance Facilities

  • Life insurance
  • Total permanent disability
  • In-Patient Health Coverage
  • Critical Illness Benefit

By providing suitable insurance benefits bundled into banking services, Shanta Life is committed to help customers mitigate financial risks, ensuring better preparedness for unforeseen events like loss of Life, illness, accidents, or any form of disability.

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